Today on things that I would love to see but are highly likely not to be there

What about it?

it would be cool to have an easter egg on where these rockets went from New Vegas “come fly with me” side quest. But considering it’s not the same universe and it’s not from BGS (developed by I mean), it’s highly unlikely to be there. What would you like to see in starfield but are so sure it won’t be there?

Read also:

This is hilarious


Happy Father’s Day to all the Starfield dads out there.

What about it?

My wife got this for me for my Birthday/Father’s Day 😍


Kamino-like planet?

What about it?

I’m really hoping to build a base on a planet like Kamino from Star Wars. That is to say, all ocean, crashing waves, lightning storms, huge and mysterious creatures leaping out of the waves.


Besides the katana, we also have cutlasses


I Stand with the LGBTIQ+ Refugees

What about it?

Here is a poster from UNCHR. And it's very motivating and inspiring to someone like me. I really want to get in contact with the UNCHR. I need their help.


Pride and the Prismatic Circles my attempt at Pride art!


Judy Garland and Alan Turing (2023)


Do they know?


Snippet from a round of shitposting with my bestie


What does this mean? (Possible trigger warning, because I don't know if it's homophobic)

What about it?

I really don't get this. Is there a stereotype that gay people are bad drivers? Are they an ally? Are they not? I'm so confused by everything here. Info: This was in a suburb of Portland. It's on a small pickup. They had one other bumper sticker that said, "Save the Planet. Eat the Rich" in what I'd describe as socialist colors. So confused.
