Bert and his dad (additional text below)

What about it?

I replied to an earlier post about our cat, Bert. We adopted him from a shelter at just over a year old in January 2016. The background we were given was that he was found wandering the streets of either Brooklyn or the Bronx (I can’t for the life of me remember) with a broken leg. We went to visit a shelter on Long Island and I saw him in a cage on the very bottom in a corner. His leg had just finished healing and the cast had just come off. I asked to see him and they took him out. I picked him up, he kissed my cheek and nuzzled into my neck, purring up a storm. That was it, he truly chose us. He has been the greatest decision we ever made. This photo is my favorite, it’s Bert and his dad napping together right before my now husband proposed to me the same evening I took this photo. I love how Bert’s paw is on his ring finger, almost like giving his approval. He has completed our family and I couldn’t ask for a better cat.

Read also:

My toilet fairy, Archer.


special bean


My world is completely shattered. Tiger crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. He was 16 years old.💔💔💔💔


Of all the places to sleep…

What about it?

5 cat beds, 2 couches, several chairs, a love seat, my own bed, and she chooses a box to sleep on. I’ll never understand cats 😅


Two Bois. Divided by a shower curtain.

What about it?

My new favorite picture of the two of them.


Help my husband and I pick a name for our new kitty

What about it?

My husband and I need help picking a name for our kitty. We originally named her sunshine (sunny) but hubby doesn’t think it fits her now. We like spooky names but none seem to fit her either that we’ve google. Any help is appreciated!


Stray kitten seems to be settling in well


90 degrees in WA state means ice packs for my boy Romeo.


Show me your offended cats


Having a bad day so here's my cat sleeping weirdly

What about it?

This girl also likes to stretch her entire body against my leg at night.
