This is Harley Quinn, she's my 11 year old baby. Ive had her since she was a baby.

Read also:

Country Cat August (15). She’s been gone almost 4 years and I still miss her.

What about it?

my husbands old family cat August. She was shy and lived on the acreage but she grew fond of me and we had a special connection. Miss you ❤️


Deciding to post my late Old man, Skates, he was roughly 18-19 when he passed in 2018. Miss him every day still.

What about it?

I was only 3 when we got him and he was 1.


Noelle (16 +ish) decided my hand would work better as a pillow


My best friend Mr. Tumnus, hanging out in the sun. (17y) Best picture I have gotten of him in awhile.

What about it?

He isn’t breathing normally at the moment. And he may be getting to that time. I haven’t been able to get a good photo for awhile because of how he is doing but I am glad I snapped this.


Micro (15 last April) resting her head on my shoulder when I've had a bad day. This cat has been the sole reason I get out of bed some mornings, and she's been there for me through some serious crap over those 15 years.


My massive 19yo buddy.


Chatter- He's 22 years old.


MinnieMoo (16f) stopping to smell the flowers!

What about it?

Adopted Minnie at the age of 15 when her owner passed away. She was horribly obese and unfit but can now jump up to the bed and windows and enjoys (supervised) back garden time ♥️


My almost 19 year old Emma passed away

What about it?

I will never get over this -her birthday is August 18th


This is Hennie, our 14 year old chonky madam.
