My old gentle man, 16 yrs old. We are having a baby this month and I really want him to meet the baby (old fam meet new💔) but a recent cancer/nasal tumor diagnosis has the vet recommending euthanasia soon. My heart is completely broken.

Read also:

Athena 12 y/o doing her T-REX 🦖 Impression


Kratos 16F refused multiple $$$ cat beds just to choose the one I made


Herms age 17, looking offended after I sneezed and disturbed her nap.


Fluffy (14M) is NOT impressed with Amber trying to play with him.


How is he 16 years old and a baby at the same time?

What about it?

I’ve had my baby boy for 16 years! He’s starting to have some health issues (high blood pressure, kidney disease, weight loss). He sleeps a lot, but still has his moments of being an absolute rascal. I love him so much!


Just said goodbye to this little angel, Margie. Thank you for the 19 years of pure love.

What about it?

I posted Margie 3 days ago on this sub and received tons of love and kind words. Today my family and I made one of the hardest decisions and said goodbye to this little feisty girl. Hug your fur babies tonight for me tonight.


Wabi is 16 next month

What about it?

Here she is in a typical pose with my husband. She always has to sleep on our necks!


I'm worried for my girl, Mia (13)

What about it?

Mia is learning how to cat on 3 legs. She's adjusting very well from the surgery, but the biopsy results however, have me crushed. They thought it was a localized cancer, & amputating the leg might cure her entirely, but instead it came back as multiple myeloma & she's in need of chemo. We have an appt. next Friday with an oncologist, 1 of only 2 available in the area & the other has pretty bad reviews. We tapped our insurance coverage for the year, & I don't know how we'll handle it once we understand the best next steps. Right now, she seems so happy, purring like mad & generally unfazed. I can't imagine losing her after 13 years together, & I'm not ready. I knew you all would understand why I'm so scared. Hug your beautiful babies tight 💜


Sugar is 11


Max is 16 - Arthritis/Gabapentin/Solensia

What about it?

This is Max. Our handsome man is 16 now and has had a limp in his left leg for a few months. Last month we took him in and they did x-rays, and diagnosed him with arthritis. They said he has it in both elbows and actually the one that’s worse on imaging isn’t the one he’s limping on. They said they don’t see any signs of any sort of tumor or infection in the imaging. We tried a Solensia shot last month and saw no improvement, and it’s even gotten a bit worse. On Thursday he went back for a checkup (he’s also hyperthyroid, so we were running his routine blood work). After consulting with the vet, we decided to give Solensia another try for month 2 to see if it helps. Additionally, we are trialing Gabapentin for pain. The vet is also sending his x-rays out to a radiologist to be read to see if they see something they didn’t. We don’t have the report back yet. It’s only been about 24 hours since the first dose of Gabapentin and the Solensia shot, but there’s been no change other than the Gabapentin knocking him out. Lol. (We are lowering his dose at his vet’s direction to help with that). Has anyone had luck with Solensia and/or Gabapentin for pain? And how long did it take to see results? He’s not showing outward signs of pain (holding up the leg, crying) but you can tell he’s not wanting to put a ton of weight on it. He’s jumping up on the counters and couch still even though we’ve tried to stop that, but old habits die hard. We’ve raised his food dishes up off the floor to a more manageable height for him and also have gotten an orthopedic bed for him which he seems to enjoy. Any insight or experiences would be helpful.
