Anyone asked that before

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I am using gpt 4 model to find a domain for my project. I have started conversation with gpt-4 + domain plugin but somehow it is not creative enough but also It all is not following my commands. Is there something wrong?

Read also:

Quora being like this

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either this is hilarious bait that outdoes this site or this is fr


Hotel’s laundry room has card-operated machines, but coin-only detergent. There’s no change machine and the front desk only had a couple dollars worth of change.


Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese is available, Quarter Pounder w/o Cheese is “Out Of Stock”

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I asked how is this possible, the employee started to say they’re two totally different items and he stopped mid sentence to say “that doesn’t make any sense”. We all know it’s so they can make the extra $1.30, even if you don’t want cheese on it.


The “garbage room” for my apartment building (it’s actually just a closet)


Kind of more than mildly infuriating, but Alaska Airlines only offers sustainable boxed water to first class ticket holders. Coach be damned.


I just did all the preventative maintenance I had put off for a while last week and got new tires...

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Deer ran across the road. I had no chance.


WTF am I even supposed to do with this?

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I asked for Laughing Cow cheese spread or Kraft "Old English" Cheese Spread (it's just regular American processed cheese spread with a ton of extra salt) and apparently the shopper took the word "English" literally. What am I supposed to put this on?


Burger King removed all vegetarian burgers with no warning. Rebel whopper was my favorite burger of all time and I was craving it this weekend. I walked in and they told me it didn’t exist anymore. Even food apps removed it out of the blue.


Have groceries delivered, they said.... "It will be EASY," They said. How'd this even make it to my door?


This message installing Windows 11 from inside Windows 11

What about it?

I was trying to update an old laptop for my kid and the install said it couldn't access the ssd. I pulled it and installed a to-go install of Windows 11 then put it back and it ran internally. So I went to do a legit install on top and got the above incompatibility errors for Windows 11. From on an instance of Windows 11 running on the incompatible computer. Created with the same download as the to-go instance.
