The cookie kits for August 5th are prepped and ready for baking!

What about it?

I am baking for my community’s social event on August 5th. We expect at least 120 people. The person heading this event, new to the committee, originally suggested a half sheet from Costco. Needless to say I was disappointed with that idea. I told her I would have preferred to bake cookies for the event. She thought that the short time frame and the number of people would just make the sheet cake easier. I convinced her otherwise. 😉 I can make the first dough today and bake tomorrow as I made room in my basement freezer. I can fit the Sparkling Butter Toffee Cookies and the two batches of Cowboy Cookies in the freezer. So they can be baked this week. The Peanut Butter Cookies and then the Iced Lemon Cookies will be baked next week close to the event. Based on the total number of cookies I may need to bake a sixth batch. I am considering making Chocolate Snappers using the updated Nestle’s recipe. The last time I made them Chocobake was still on the market. And that product was discontinued in 2014! Or maybe Snickerdoodles, although I baked them several months ago for a small social event. But perhaps I can get suggestions from you. Any links to a great cookie recipe that I might try for the sixth bake if needed? Something that would offer a different flavor profile than what I already have planned. I do not plan to make the NYT Cooking Chocolate Chip cookie (my favorite!) as I have made that recipe for two recent events. Besides, there are chocolate chips in the Cowboy Cookies and I try to have different options. So nothing with peanut butter either as I am already making Peanut Butter Cookies. Your suggestions and recipe links would be appreciated.

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