Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting

What about it?

Finally comfortable enough with making a basic layered cake and buttercream that I'm starting to play with piping

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My first flan (it’s really the second but the first one was totally destroyed because I did it wrong)


Dog friendly birthday cake

What about it?

Can you guess the breed i drew ??


Wild blueberry, haskap huckleberry pue


Made some goodies


Cupcake bouquet for a customer who requested something that looks like a cake but wouldn't require cutting and would be easy to serve at a birthday picnic


Does this puff pastry look right?


Does this yeast looks dead to you? I can’t tell.


Snacks baked for the week, golden, beef sausage rolls


Mocha Cookies


Egg white powder

What about it?

Recently used egg white powder to make an uncooked meringue (which is what the recipe called for).The meringue was piped and blowtorched on top of a dessert. Looked great on the day but the next day the meringue had collapsed and was very soft. Is this just expected with the egg white powder or was this an error on my part. The recipe was 10g egg white powder and 125g strawberry puree whisked together with 200g caster sugar. At the time the meringue stiffened to stiff peaks (and passed the bowl flip test). Was quite sticky but piped well enough.
