Brotherly Love

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Kevin and Hank enjoying a morning snooze after their wrestling match.

Read also:

Gotta get the leaf


Short Haired Golden Retriever

What about it?

Hello everybody, this is Lucy. She was born towards the end of March. Her parents were two registered golden retrievers, one was AKC registered, and the other was registered through I think the European kennel club, he came from the Ukraine, because of all the war/fighting, so he didn’t have time to be registered through the United States before he was bred with my breeders female. It was an oops litter, and the female also got stuck by the neighbors border collie mix. I know that dogs from the same litter can have two different dad, but we are decently confident that she is a purebred golden due to her external features. However, I still have yet to do a DNA test and I plan on doing one. Is it normal for her hair to be this short? Her dad’s hair was not show length by any means, but it wasn’t short like hers and neither was her mom’s. I not only met both of the parents, but have previous pictures of them and her hair just looks too short. I’ve read up that their hair can be shorter when they’re puppies and fill out when they’re 2 to 3 years of age, but I’ve seen other golden retriever puppies, who just seem fluffier, or have longer hair. Is this normal, or does this point to her being a mix? I know that the gene that makes goldens golden is recessive so that makes it more likely that she is a purebred, but her hair is really throwing me off. PSA: I seriously don’t care if she is a mix, I bought her knowing that she might be a mix. Because she was an oops litter, it was literally only the cost of her vet care/rehoming fee. Both of my other dogs are mixes, I was just looking at golden retrievers for the personality since I have a toddler.


Post your dog’s funniest face!

What about it?

This is Apollo playing with his friend! As always, living his land-shark life 🐶🦈.


Drew this of my girl, she enjoys making a mess of my floors with muddy paws so.

What about it?

Drawn for a mascot competition originally


Too big to sit 100% on the ottoman


Draw me like one of your French girls


The boys


Daisy not liking food

What about it?

Daisy is a year and a half. I noticed several months ago she was reluctantly eating her food, coming back to it later, not excited for it like she used to be. So I changed to the Royal Canin Golden food, which she loved for a month or two, but now she’s like meh. Anyone have recommendations for her next food? She’s in great health, so I’m not worried about that, she just needs a change of food.


Turns out one of the cast members is from a place very far from Philadelphia!


It’s a list of doctors I’m going to kill…
