Janky caseless ITX build the from parts collected from recycling.

Specs GTX 660Ti Asrock industrial motherboard imb-195 Dynatron cooler Intel i7 6700T 2 4GB DDR4 soddims 128GB mSATA SSD 700W black widow PSU by 1stplayer It could at least run valorant at 100 to 200 fps on low

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My Sakura Hitomi RTX 3080 Build

I got this RTX 3080 on sale for just $580 on Newegg. So I kind of leaned into it.


Should i go to a modern case or use this 2011 beast


HP Envy i9-1300h (1.6Ghz) help? Not going above 2.4Ghz


feel like my frames are dropping by the day Mw2 warzone vondal map

im getting 95 fps with dlss turned on in warzone when i was getting 130 plus without dlss could my graphics card be the problem


My friend says there's a problem with my keyboard?


Finally got that double X mousepad

Soooooooo good


69 Starfield coupon


Is this just a graphical glitch in Battlefield 1 or is my GPU dying?

Playing Battlefield 1 and came across this in game. Never seen this happen before. Once in a blue moon, I’ll see artifact on my desktop but it happens so quick, can’t screenshot it. GPU: EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra. Drivers updated, efficient cooling, no overclocking. Screenshot shows GPU temp of 75c.


Uhhh guys is it over for my pc

I was playing a game and my pc just shut off randomly. I tried turning it back on but nothing on my screen would display, just a signal error. I tried holding the power button and this happens. I did it again and basically the same thing showed up but w/o mentioning it was in safe mode.


What three weeks in Japan do to a gamer
