PA6-GF30 plastic flange with ball-and-post mount for clamping a rod?

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Metal rod with clips on the end… found on the back of the front door while moving into a new house


Irony metal “pestle” found outside—is it a metalworking tool?


Found in a recently purchased house. Red tube like object with a twist handle at top. Looks fairly old.


What is this silver ball on my ceiling?


Glass 'jar' with a ring of holes around the base, about 20cm round and looks to be handmade but no idea what it is for!


Small plastic piece, length of a pinky, the red part is flexible like a plastic flag. White part has one sticky side. Fell out of a window when we opened it.


Double handle wood and metal post tool, what is it?


Just bought a house, found this hidden inside the front bushes. Screws in a wooden ball, looks like a mace. What was/is this used for?

I have only been living here less than a month. Previous owner was in his 90's and moved out to receive care from a family member. Quiet neighborhood. Eastern Canada. Anything helps!


Metal mechanical thing with crank and funnel in truck bed

Medium sized truck, driving in Missouri. Couldn’t identify via reverse image search.


Metal rod, about 8in long with 3 loops of similar size one at each end and one directly center with a thumbscrew in the middle hole, feels like hollow aluminum
