What is this brown glass thing found on Caribbean beach? Adjacent item for size reference

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4ft tower-like shelving with wood and wire slots. Only six inches across. No brand markings TIA


What is this marker on the highway?


White round plastic disc that says “for travel use only”

It says “for travel use only” and “do not discard”


Kinda stiff, white, gauzy-ish(?) roll found in sewing box from estate sale

Title explains it- it's a roll of something white, it looks kinda gauzy but not quite. It feels stiff but it can't really hold itself up. I'm assuming it's something sewing-related but I'm self-taught and have never seen this before. It didn't have any packaging with it. Thank you!


Diamond shaped plastic with a thin metal rod. It has wy logo and to bumps on either side for grip? Looks to be a locking or reset device. It was found on my bedroom floor and I have no idea where it came from.


small semicircular rubber object stored along with jewellery

regular sized safety pin for size comparison. the other side is marginally larger than the camera facing half and is missing the two oval indents.


Why is this hole in my garage?

House built in 1982. Central -ish Florida. 36" × 26" and 26" deep. The bottom is our native soil(sandy). Can anyone tell me what the purpose for this is? Very curious. Currently using it for random storage.


Aluminum frame with netting, about 12 inches square.


Hi, this table was advertised with no description, measurements or any other photos. All 4 sides appear to fold upwards for some reason, the hinges retract down into the legs. It seems to be made from good quality wood and is for indoor use.


WITT made of thin bamboo with sectioned areas on one side but no walls on the outside edges? About 8 inches long.
