Look at what the Rebels did to our troops

Read also:

I just realized with Mando S3 and Ahsoka so far, even though the BOBF sucked that I'm really missing seeing Temuera Morrison in the Mando era shows. I hope to see old Rex, and also Boba back to his Mando S2 form in the Filoni movie at least if he does not appear in any of the other shows seasons.


This game should legitimately still be canon


With all the recent speculation, just a friendly reminder...


I think whoever designed the temple in Episode 1 of Ahsoka spent a lot of time watching The Fifth Element.

Felt like a mashup of the 5th Element temple and the World Between Worlds. Especially when she solved the puzzle and the 5th element stone came up out of the floor.


I started making the Ebon Hawk in Starfield


Throwback to when I met the voice of Huyang. David Tennant himself. 😁


Got my daughter's reaction to Luke getting force lightning'd in ROTJ.


Warframe Players When Breaking TOS Gets You Banned

There are only 2 kinds of Warframe players, one is the kindest person you ever met, the other is debating why saying racist things is bad. (something i actually witnessed, thankfully they got shit on.)


Let's defeat the woke together


Baldur Good Todd Bad
