Desert Ahsoka [by me!]

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I hope Lucasfilm stops trying to emphasize the Deepfake stuff so much. A small dose of it was awesome in the Mando Season 2 Finale, but I felt no magic to the character when Luke popped back up for a long episode in Book of Boba Fett.


New Arrival


Why does Mon Mothma grow so weak after the war ends? She ends up being like Robert Baratheon, an absolute badass wartime leader who neglects growing dangers right in front of her during peacetime.


Playing around


Attempted Shin Hati in Starfield. Opinions?


Padme and Sabe retaking the Theed. Art by me


Name one thing you liked about the Obi-Wan Kenobi series


Chewie, we’re home.


In your opinion, did the Emperor take into consideration the possibility of Luke and Vader teaming up mid-duel against him? (Just like in Mara Jade's visions or in the LEGO games). Was he ready for a fight?

I'm not talking about contingency plans like resurrection after death, possessing Luke's body and stuff. And don't tell me "Luke and Vader did beat Palpatine together lol" cause that happened after the duel. I mean mid-fight, father and son turn together against the Emperor. Was he ready for an actual fight in your opinion? Did he bring any lightsaber? Or his own self-assurance had grown so much that the possibility of Vader betraying him to usurp his throne alongside his son would've been a total surprise?


Why did Qui-Gon, Kit Fisto, etc. instantly die getting stabbed by a lightsaber, but others survive it without any issues or even long-term complications?
