Spider egg sack? NY Zone 5b, 6a

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Which one is this?Hudson Valley NY


anyone know what my window friend is?

this is big mama spider who has decided to grace us with her babies who have all taken residence up on my windows lol and i’ve become curious what kind of spider she is


Was scrolling through IG when I saw this, WHAT is it? No idea where it is from

Sorry for the weird post! I was on my explore page on Instagram when I watched this video…. and let’s just say I will have nightmares trying to figure out what this thing is. I will put the IG video in the comments so everyone else can watch it but what type of bug is this? Is it even a real bug?


Was this a coincidence?

I was sick throwing up and terrible stomach pains for 5 hours followed by 2 days of not being able to eat anything.. I found this bite on my arm. The bite was hard and swollen and had a rash in the center. The bite was never itchy.. What bug causes this bite? Could the sickness be from the bite or did I simultaneously get food poisoning and a bad bite?


1in, Northeast GA


Southwest Indiana: wasp? It is pretty big.

And colorful. It possibly has a ground nest.


Who is she? 8 legged beauty found in NJ.

Did she molt or eat her mate?


Who laid these?

Eggs on our back door in Washington, DC. Very very small (think Morton salt grain). A moth?


Found in Scania County of Sweden after being rescued from a coffee cup


Who is he?🐛

Found in Central NC
