
Read also:

Why is there a Mikau and Lulu lake in TOTK?

Given that Mikau and Lulu are from the parallel universe introduced in Majoras Mask, how could the Zoras from this reality possibly know about them? Is there an ingame explanation / acknowledgment of this or is it just an easteregg? There is also Ruto Lake, which is a reference to princess Ruto from OoT.


Iron box shield looks so ridiculous when Link uses it I love it


Why do you think I like this character?!


My SO is scared of posting their art online, but accepted for me to post this crossover they made of Finn from Adventure Time as Link. Thought y'all might like.


My favorite compendium photo so far (no spoilers just a cutie)


How to solve this morph puzzle?

Seems like the above is the solution but no korok.


I have no idea what I’m missing

I have 99.87/100% on the map and I have zero idea what I’m missing, I know this picture isn’t a lot of help but could someone help me figure this out. It’s probably some obscure place that has zero importance. What are some places that no one goes?


I was bored, so I brought Purah a Cucco...

Alt title: Presented Purah my Rooster.


Ever take a tranquil photo of a moose only to have a bear photobomb you just before it tries to murder you


Archie is camouflaged
