I think this is Sabine Wren vs Shin Hati from Ahsoka

Read also:

Ashoka Episode 3 Ships

I finally got around to watching episode three. The ships chasing down Ahsoka and Sabine reminded me of these.


The Force


What’s this huge guy! 1 1/4 inch long. I’ve seen them before knocking on our screens. I was always under the impression they were some sort of European carpenter bee. Not sure though.


This guy stood out from the moths and mosquitoes tonight.

He was just chillin’ on the sliding glass door while I cooked some wings. The only one I saw.


She’s beautiful! I’ve never seen something like this, anyone have any idea? (Minnesota)


What is this wasp? Found 3 of them in my bathroom and they are coming from the exhaust fan

sorry for the bad quality picture. hopefully this will do, any ideas?


Only able to get one pic before this bug scuttled away.

Northern California foothills with lots of oak trees. It moved pretty fast


What is this? Southeast USA

Southeast USA, about the size of an adult cockroach, but moves much slower


Who laid these eggs on the back of my mirror?

About a millimeter big, south east Oregon


Weird Worms in Dog Food

Vermont, USA. Found in my dogs dry food bin. There’s a shit ton of them in there.
