Can someone make this look more professional for a linkedin profile picture? Will tip $5

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I found this photo of my dog and I can't stop laughing. Can someone put him in hilarious places like a NASA rocket launch (instead, he's flying off) or something similar?


Could someone remove my wife on the left so it looks like my son is riding his horse solo please? I will tip $20 ☺️ thanks


Anything funny you can do with this one?


Help with jawline. Only kitten photo I have. I should have had ex take photo from above. I look 10 years older here


Can someone please help me change the blue light to a warm orange tone like the ceiling lights?


Could someone please remove the text from this picture??


Possible to remove all the people around me and the bottle on the ground? $5


[TIP] Headshot Modifications (see comment)


Could someone please remove the text and other Snapchat stuff from this picture of my old car? I will pay $5 dollars


Hey y’all- would someone help me clean this up for a school ID? The background must be plain and my hand isn’t allowed in it. I’ve gained weight lately and am really not trying to take a fresh picture…This is from a few months ago and I look happy enough lol please help!
