In 2013, the remains of a Roman cemetery were found in south-eastern France. This year, hundreds of Roman graves were discovered, among which were chained skeletons. [634x423]

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The Heraclean Tablets are bronze tablets with Latin/Greek inscriptions, found at Heraclea in Italy. The Latin inscription from 45 BC, is about the municipal regulations of Heraclea while the 3rd century BC Greek inscription defines the boundaries of lands belonging to various temples [3372x5764]


A Pahari depiction of Kali fighting Chanda and Munda: Kali Fights Demons Chanda and Munda; c. 1825–35, gouache on paper, Rijksmuseum(1280x906)


Medieval shield made of wood and iron, found in Sætesdalen, Norway [1200 CE ca ?]. It bears a runic inscription around the bulge. Oslo Kulturhistorisk museum, nr. C954 [1775 x 1872]


Amarna Period model grapes made of glass, copper, and wood (1350 to 1300 BCE) [654×365]


Doll in a box. British (Doll) and American (Box), ca. 1748 [4000 x 3066][OS]


Floor mosaic fragment with beribboned parrots. Stone with lime mortar. From Daphne near ancient Antioch, late Roman/early Byzantine Syria, 5th c AD. The parrot wearing the pativ or "Persian ribbon" symbolized Zoroastrianism and Persia's Sasanian dynasty. Baltimore Museum of Art [1080x364]


Archaeologists Hagay Hamer and Oriya Amichay with one of the swords found in a cave on a cliff above the Dead Sea in Israel (Source in comment) [480x590]


A late 5th century funerary monument of a Greek warrior [4680x3456]


The Dunnechin Pictish Stone is 1.5m (4'8") tall × .7m (2'3") wide × .3m (1') thick. On one side the rough sandstone is incised with a Pictish flower a double disc and Z-rod atop a mirror and comb . It was probably made in the 7th C. AD and re-found at Dunnichen, Angus, Scotland. [1549×2346]


4000 year old wood-carved figures in the lost Desert Cemetery of Xiaohe China (Source in comment) [1500x1161]
