What’s this spider?

Found in my basement in southern Ohio

Read also:

Now with picture: palm-sized spider in Brazil

Terrible pic, I know. Husband found on his motorcycle jacket, already dead. It's palm-sized and had this interestinf looking pattern on its back. Found in Southeastern Brazil, urban area with lots of trees. There are many large webs between trees where we live, but not sure if its from this species.


Hi! What the hell is this bug!


I've found a lot of these around my room, I hope it's just a spooder.

In Kentucky if it helps, normally on my clothes.


What is this?

I'm in Tokyo And I found these bugs in a sneaker I bought.


Found this in my driveway dying. Set it inside my garage out of the sun but it didn’t make it. What is it?


Spider ID please

Orbweaver maybe? I'm in Hawaii.


What spider is this? I thought it was the common house spider but having my doubts now. Thank you


What spider is this? Thought it was the common house spider but may be mistaken. Photo taken in Pennsylvania.


This little guy.

Hi! Does anyone have any clue what this is? We suddenly have a ton of them outside but nobody around here (my family) knows what it is. They’re TINY and this is the best pic I could get. Please and thank you! (Atwater Village, Los Angeles, CA!)


This is the queen of my front porch! Can any identify her?

I'm in SC and she lives on my porch strangely she seems to have brought her entourage of husbands because there are two smaller boys I'd assume on her web across my front porch threshold tonight! I swear last year her mommy lives on my porch as well sort of like my very own Charlotte's Web 😂 she's large, I mean like bigger than a silver dollar.. for comparison. Don't wanna scare them so I don't want to put anything near them I've scared her away before. She makes large elaborate webs which she sits in the middle of whilst her husbands live on the edges. You see, one lives on one side, the other on the farther side because she's a player I guess...
