How to catch 'em all?

killing as many trotters as possible is a new mini game in Simulated Universe. My idea is to use Seele tech to sneak in the center of a bunch of trotters, then Kafka goes boom (or Blade).

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Ruan Mei's SU Avatar is too Cute!


[Spoilers for After End of Aurum Alley Event] There's the saying "The only AIs we should be afraid of are not the ones who take the Turing Test and pass, but the ones who Fail. ON PURPOSE."


CN's List Of Top Teams In Terms Of Damage Output For Patch 1.3

So I found this CN data for YouTube in TimeauSS content and its really interesting seeing what most people thinks about the Meta RN. So Basically, this according to this CN data it shows the the top 2 teams in terms of damage output are actually 2 Blade Team Variants and the best Dan Heng IL team only at 3rd despite being the only S+ tier unit in EN tier list. Although I think the current EN tier list is based on the current MOC buff so its understandable as it's really catered towards the current banner unit. However, I think its still noteworthy and I think the main reason for why CN calculations is like this is something I made a post about before DHIL release and its Energy generated per SP. Most of units we have RN follows a standard rule on energy regen per SP except for a few exceptions like Asta, QQ, Blade, DHIL, Sampo and Welt (maybe I missed some other units). Basically a unit will use 1 SP per skill activation and gain 30 Energy. However, the 2 DPS in this post's topic are included in the few exceptions to this and Blade has an overwhelming advantage in this particular case. For Blade, assuming you have Bronya paired with him, can Generate 180 energy (120 for Blade and 60 for Bronya) using only only 3 energy. Assuming the other 2 unit in the team use normal attack. The team gained 260 energy in 2 rotation overall. 1. Blade Skill activation cost 1 SP and then NA generates 30 energy. 2. Bronya uses her skill to reset Blades turn and generate 30 energy for herself. 3. Blade takes a turn again (from Bronya's reset) and gets 30 energy 4. Blade takes a turn (normal turn) and gets 30 energy 5. Bronya uses her skill to reset Blades turn and generate 30 energy for herself. 6. Blade takes a turn again (from Bronya's reset) and gets 30 energy Meanwhile, DHIL in a team that can allow him to use 3 SP per turn will be using 6 SP in the course of 2 turns to only generate 80 energy for himself. Assuming the other 3 units use normal attack, the whole team can only generate 140 energy over the course of 2 turns. The difference is 120 energy which can be considered as about 1 Ultimate skill activation. This energy generation gap and freedom to use skills with Blade teams results to overall higher buffs uptime which directly contributes to a teams overall damage output. And with Bronya, Blade can actually take multiple turns making his lower damage per screenshot actually higher in total vs DHIL huge damage in one go. Overall, I agree that Blade is the best DPS in the game right now in terms ideal teams due to how his kit works and not to mention his very comfortable to use due to being tanky. That being said, meta barely matters in a game where bottom tier units can clear hardest contents. I just find it fun to actually look at data like this and try to analyze why this is the case. Side note: Its interesting that top teams always include SW and the only one that doesnt includes Pela. I gues this also shows how good defense shred actually is.


Really? Segs ? Right in front of my simulated universe?


Version 1.3 in a nutshell


Tale of the Vidyadhara


Trotters really are as vicious as the community thought. They eat everything.


They reaaaally didn't want people cheesing Swarm Disaster with Remembrance...


The last objective in the Trail of Pathstrider is to complete Difficulty 5


Painted this for my girlfriend's birthday! (@ureiness)
