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I’d like to recommend this comic to any occult inclined peeps!

What about it?

Nemesis the Warlock written by Pat Mills, not ol’ Pat was huge in the occult and daemons and the like which can really seen in his writings of Nemesis. Nemesis (the super hero) is a alien demon who actively practises magik etc to further his goals of defeating the oppressive humans ruled by Torquemada. Not only does it use a lot of phrases effectively it uses a lot of nuanced symbols and imagery depicting a great anti fascist comic. The hero Nemesis is not really a hero at all, he’s sorta a scary mystical maniac but that’s sorta how I see magik and daemons cause a lot of it is scary part from ✨Astaroth✨! Anyways I’ve just been getting into the comics again and I thought y’all would want to hear it Oop. Note this is a cross post but I though awesome occult space opera about collapsing the patriarchy sounds about right here.




Look at my little friend

What about it?

It's just a moth but also looks like a person wearing a black cape. Found on the front of my home in the morning today,love it.


This book is amazing and infuriating. Highly recommend

What about it?

I just finished this, and omg I want to memorize it so I can cite statistics when having discussions with people. Also wish I had the money to buy and hand out thousands of copies


Neighborhood kids running a spell-ingredient swap


Felt witchy today. Thank you for being inspirational

What about it?

Note: I got *that* tattoo as a kid, when it had a different meaning to me. I'm looking to get it covered up. I'm sorry it can be seen it the pic, I forget it's there


they know mine is the best one


Every. Damn. Time.


god is dead


Nice grass! How about you render it?
