Want's to buy new graphics card.

What about it?

Like in the title, I was able to save some cash and I want to replace my old man after many good years of service for something better. I sadly have no knowledge on what is good or bad and I also saw latest post about newest cards being shit so I don't want to make a choice myself coz I know I will fuck it up. Price doesn't matter so any tips what is good rn are much appreciated. Also bonus question: should I replace CPU??? Motherboard: B450 Tomahawk Max II CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X

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What are peoples thoughts on this pc mainly be used for gaming and fps anything anyone would change ?


New GPU, 6950xt died.


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After 3.5yrs on a gaming laptop, I have bought a desktop! Feels good not worrying about what I can and can't play

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Specs: i7-13700KF 32gb Ram RTX 4070 1Tb of storage


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Notice to AirBnb guests

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One night stay £25-£30 (depending on the room size). Your thoughts?
