They just dont understand

Read also:

Help me.

What about it?

Can someone pls help me with this error? It just randomly popped out for 2 weeks now and it's getting annoying since this is the first thing I see everytime I open my pc. I haven't saw the solution yet even after weeks of searching. Please help me.


What does this mean?


Is this a good PC for 1500€?


Good High End-ish Build?


This cannot be more true.


the things you find when sorting by highest price


Have had my GTX 960 2GB since november 2015, it served me well... But now it's time for an upgrade


Connection Desktop and Laptop to 2 monitors

What about it?

Looking for a guide/tips what to do/buy I want to connect the Desktop and Laptop to two monitors And I want to use the same keyboard and mouse for both PCs My desktop is connected with 2 display port (windows) My laptop is connected with 1 hdmi (MacBook pro 14) - Want to use same keyboard and mouse for both Desktop and Laptop - Switch between monitors between desktop (connected with display port) and laptop (connected with hdmi) - A way to connect my laptop with 2 monitors (laptop got 1 hdmi)


Wow okay


4th build in this now old case.

What about it?

Just swapped my mobo, gpu and cpu for the fourth time. Bought it back in the 970 era. I used to have 2x 970 in SLi and believe it or not this new card is bigger than those 2. I love how much place there is in the case to go crazy with drives and water. Plus there is a slot for DVD.
