Parents like this (smh) found on quora

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Saw a similar post about parents on Qoura


Neighbor refuses to move fly/maggot infested trash can off of sidewalk and away from cars

What about it?

Every white speck in this picture is a moving, living maggot. And the picture doesn’t do it justice because it’s just 1 angle. They just leave their trash can on the sidewalk and it’s a breeding ground for flies. I know what you think. “You’re being dramatic. A couple flies are expected to be around trash.” No, I’m not exaggerating when I say that when i walk past to get to my car, about 20-30 flies start going crazy. There’s maggots all over the trash and on the ground in the parking lot. Even after the dumpster people come (I feel bad for them), there’s still a fucking colony of flies and maggot all in the trash. They have it right up on the sidewalk and literally no one parks there because it’s disgusting.


People who don't put their carts away properly....


Meaningless branding on this gummy worms package suggests it's plant based or natural

What about it?

Not plant based or natural


Is this a joke?


Glad my phone case is #1 in auto thermostats seals! 😂


We may never know what lava feels like


Even for scam games, this is ridiculous. What are people supposed to do with one shoe?


there are almost 300 Million possible powerball combinations. Out of all 7 of my draws, not one has original numbers from another one. rigged system.


What if I wanted backed beans and cheese? Ah damnit just the fruit toast then.
