The best customer ever 🥹

What about it?

🤌🤌 Also i had myself some sour patch, they were just too good i scarfed em all There was Reese's and some other types of candy and like every can of pop and 12oz redbulls of all different flavors Plus they tipped 30 dollars lol This was in Mantua!

Read also:

What happen with r/doordash_drivers


They canceled 5 minutes later 🙃


new "Dashlink" pay


Selling his DD Acct 😂

What about it?

The dumb shit you see on Facebook


Never thought it would happen to me!

What about it?

The only reason she had my number is because I actually left her free tickets to an event I had access to. I suppose if you give a moose a muffin… The funny part is I’m debating sending it to her just to see how full of shit she is.


Right next to customer’s door mat. Where he specifically asked me to leave food 😑😶🤮


That’s what we like to see 🥹


What am I supposed to do?

What about it?

I’ve had many success with DoorDash as to why I continue to use it. I’ve had a few missing items here and there and today I was missing a 6$ item. Even though it may not seem as much I’m 16 and that’s a lot to me. What do i do? Just leave it be?


DD is on the verge to collapse..

What about it?

If they keep fees high's just matter of time everyone won't use them. It's already ghost town here


Why do orders like these exist?

What about it?

I got super excited about the amount until I saw the mileage and number of items 🫠
