Artist slipped and gave the moon a “star”

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Got this super faded. Love this tattoo even if no one else does.

What about it?

For those who didn't get through Algebra 2.... It means Shit Got Real.


r/shittytattos for joining the going dark!


Was gonna do the adult swim logo when I was 11 (you know [as]?)

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Got caught by my grandma using calligraphy ink and a sewing needle to ink this shitty piece of history on my ankle


Someoned I used to work with posted this in their story. I don't know if I should like it or hate it


It looked better on paper. Maybe it would've worked bigger?


Got drunk had a needle and ink and stupid brain


I question the sanity of my 21 year old self

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When I was 21 I thought it was a great idea to let the tattoo artist do whatever he wanted on my arm. Worst thing is this is a cover up of some jigsaw pieces my smart 18 year old self thought was a good idea.....


My tattoo artist posted this. I don't feel so good about going back 💀


I, too, stabbed myself when I was a kid for my first tattoo. This is from a pencil and it's never gone away.


My favorite shitty tattoo of all time

What about it?

Absolutely magnificent
