Scratching and biting

What about it?

I adopted Frank, my Orange cat on 5/15, maybe he was 3-4 weeks old. 4 weeks later, he started scratching and biting me way to often. Is this normal? He has a bunch of toys and scratching posts. He is eating well and no signs of veing sick or injured. He runs and runs and jumps on furniture in a playful way. I also notice that he is kind of "hunting" me whenever i am walking in the house. How can i get him to stop scracthing and biting? Cheers!

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himbs a climbin boi


I think he wants a reset


Shawty has them applebottom jeans,

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Boots with the fur


Orange Boi sleeping


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Braincell at vet today

What about it?

The nurses laughed and said that it’s nice that even though he clearly hated having his blood drawn, he was too polite to really put up a fight. He was just nicely saying please don’t. 😅 I found it really funny that they called him polite.


Checking to see if my li'l boy is orange enough for here!

What about it?

I love my cat but he can be astronomically stupid at times. With him being orange and white, I'm not sure if he fits the theme of the sub, so checking in before I join this community! Meet Toasty!


Could Ella be short for Braincella? 😹


Give him a name


Braincell activates when food is expected

What about it?

Food? Mom give food? Food time? Yes my little Toasty boy, I've just woken up and I wish you'd give me a moment but you can indeed have food, you single minded adorable kitty of mine. And I just know you're either going to take each piece of kibble individually in a paw and eat it, pretending you're a human, put each kibble in water then eat it, or just scarf it all down. Or ignore it entirely and go straight for your drinking mug. Perhaps tomorrow we'll show everyone how much you love shoving your face in mugs.
