🚨 GM picks up 9,300 shares!! 🚨

Read also:

Cheers to the Royal Crown


General Manager added 9300 shares. Getting extra spicy! Super Bullish!

What about it?

Earlier this week, we had Directors Larry Cheng and Alan Attal add shares around the earnings dip. We have RC dropping $10MM on 6/9 for a bit over 420k shares. Nice. Fucking Nice. Way to shit on their open letter in the metaverse. We now have general manager Robinson Haymond adding to his position as well. I have been consistently adding to my position every single month. I work hard and I see absolutely no reason to stop or change my mind. In a time where most CEOs are dumping, it's stunning to watch this board transform Gamestop and lock up shares. Beat eps 2 quarters in a row. Cash liabilities are decreasing significantly. Still got around 1.5 Billion in the bank. No debt. Bankruptcy off the table. Ravenous, dedicated shareholder group. DD still standing tall. Short thesis non existent. Did yall forget were in the Russell 1000 for a little bit? It isnt anymore but many mid-cap etfs like S&P400 and iShares mid-cap have added decent GME exposure since Dec 22. This sets up lots of institutions to buy, but the caveat is that the ETFs can be used to add short exposure by unpacking it, which we learned about here. Won't matter when we lock the float. Next stop is probably the S&P500. I'll keep dreaming about a dividend of any form down the road. Keep working hard and DRSing, you beautiful Regards. Open statement to the Gamestop board of Directors: You have my utmost respect, full support, and dedication. Godspeed 🫡 "They're gonna try to tell you no, shatter all your dreams, but you gotta get up, and go think of better things" -Mac Miller


48% 💥🚀




ol' reliable needed an update




My daughter slid this under the door while I was pooping earlier. MOASS tomorrow.

What about it?

Let's roll. Love you all. Buy, hodl, drs book.


Came out to my friends and family with a little avatar color update. Happy Pride, y'all!


Trans woman on 4chan sad that conservatives won't accept her


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