Congratulations. You played yourself

Read also:

German divisons: Layer one - DNA

What about it?

I stole this map somewhere on the internet, without proofing the source, so it's obviously showing the most rightfully truth and facts here. We have seen so many German infights lately on this serious European sub, that I just wanted to give some additional information to all our fellow Europeans that believed, that there's only one unified German culture. But the most infights are between Bavarians and "Prussians". If you like to find both on this map, it's the same red colour like Netherland and the Berrys. Yes. Bavarians and Prussians are genetically not to distinguish, when every other German region obviously is. As an Germanized Swedish Slav, according to this map, I'm amazed about this fact. This will be my future tool to escalate, whenever a Bavarian or a Prussian is hating on each other. Have fun in the comments! P.S. I like the rainbow colour of Iceland - what are you doing over there?


Prince Philip really was the OG 2WE4U


On this day 70 years ago: East Germans show how to deal with Soviet occupation


European aesthetics




Just to see if this bonus work in real life

What about it?

+ 100% ATK when skills become active


Most appreciated Danish Animal Brothel girl


It's Time That Someone Said Something

What about it?

Are we sure they are okay to be in Western Europe? They have easily the worst toilets outside of Paris.


Even google knows it, we were never colonizers, we were what we still are, emigrants at heart. (Watch out Luxemburgo)


Om någon undrar så finns det alltså danskar som ännu är lite upprörda över Kalmarunionens upplösande, så här 500 år senare. EDIT: SOme da*ish person upset that they could no long rule Swedistan 500 years ago.
