I lost 💀

Read also:

Was it the right move to force a draw by repetition? I wasn't down any material after I took that pawn but he had a rook against 2 pawns and a knight and I was scared to lose against a lower-ranked player.


Am I doing this right?


When you premove a gambit line:


OMG!!! Opponent timed out when he had M1


My opponent blunder with (probably premove) and then stopped playing for 9 minutes

What about it?

So.. why you play 10 minute game, if you dont think for more than 0.5 sec ?


White blundered, can you find the beautiful mate in 8 for black


How is this checkmate

What about it?

I played as white


Ok now I really don’t get this one. Says brilliant but it looks like a straight blunder

What about it?

Bxa5, Qxa5 I don’t gain any positional advantage. All I can think is b4 kicks the queen around


How is this a brilliant move? All i did was just lure the knight away for mate in 1. its literally the most obvious move


Can someone explain me this, I am not the most brilliant player. Details below the post

What about it?

I am trying to learn Ruy Lopez and start knowing at least enough openings for me to not be trapped in a single playstyle. I was watching videos abt it and all suggested this as the main line: Nf6, O-O Why? Doesn't this give a free pawn? The videos I watched didn't even cover the variation of Knight taking the pawn, I suppose it something obvious? When I do the King-Tower thingie in the analyzer the move Nxe4 suddenly stops being suggested, I don't see it and it is killing me, please help lmao
