Stalemate 😂😂😂

Read also:

Why do I have to take the knight on a2 instead of e2


Thoughts? (btw I remember my opponent calling me a "stopid little idiot boy" after pawn e5)


Your move!

What about it?

Let's see how beginner you really are post your move in the comments,top comment will be the move Closes 5 pm eastern standard time I will be playing against! First move from u/URMOMISLIKECHEESE Is f3 I respond with e5


My first brilliant


Can someone tell me why taking a pawn is better than forking 2 rooks?


Pls don’t judge this is my 3 game with no prior knowledge

What about it?

I am proud of no blunders


I walked his king like a dog 🐕


Oh no my rook


I am José Mourinho

What about it?

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Bc5 4.Nxe5 Bd4 5.Nxc6 dxc6 6.Bc4 Nf6 7.O-O Ng4 8.d3 Qf6 9.Be3 Bxe3 10.fxe3 Nxe3 11.Rxf6 Nxd1 12.Rxf7 Nxc3 13.bxc3 Bd7 14.Rxg7 O-O-O 15.Rf1 Rhg8 16.Rxg8 Rxg8 17.Bxg8 b6 18.Rf8+ Kb7 19.e5 Ka6 20.e6 Bxe6 21.Bxe6 c5 22.c4 b5 23.cxb5+ Kxb5 24.Rb8+ Kc6 25.c4 a5 26.Bd5+ Kd6 27.Rd8+ Ke5 28.Re8+ Kd4 29.Re7 Kxd3 30.Rxc7 a4 31.Rxc5 Kc2 32.Ra5 Kb2 33.Rxa4 Kc3 34.Ra7 Kb4 35.Rb7+ Kc5 36.a4 Kd4 37.a5 Ke5 38.a6 Kf4 39.a7 Ke5 40.a8=Q Kd4 41.Qa7+ Ke5 42.Rxh7 Kd6 43.Qa5 Ke5 44.Rf7 Kd4 45.g4 Ke3 46.g5 Kd4 47.g6 Ke5 48.g7 Kd4 49.g8=Q Ke5 50.h4 Kd4 51.h5 Ke3 52.h6 Kd4 53.h7 Kd3 54.h8=Q Ke2 55.c5 Kd3 56.c6 Ke2 57.c7 Kd3 58.c8=Q Ke3 59.Rf8 Kd3 60.Re8 {1/2-1/2}


Went up against the "Chinese Wall Defense"
