Normal behavior? Story in comments.

What about it?

My 7 month Ozzy has been more “excited” than usual lately and is licking himself quite often. He hasn’t humped anyone or any of his toys and really hasn’t expressed himself in any inappropriate manner except excessive licking. He is marking more often than usual outside, never in the house. Is this normal behavior for “dog puberty” or should this be corrected.

Read also:

Scratch on dog - tips for healing

What about it?

My GSP pup got bit by a loose German Shepard on our morning walk. It didn’t bleed, he’s ok, but I’m worried it will scar. He’s beautiful no matter what but would like to prevent scarring if I can! Any tips or tricks to help a dog wound heal well?


haven’t seen any growth in my puppy since he turned 5 months

What about it?

My 5 month old scott american bulldog puppy barely grew ever since he turned 5 months, im worried he’ll never grow again.


Rescue is shrieking at neighbors in the hallway

What about it?

My gf and I adopted Lulu from a shelter back in April. We were told she was picked up by animal control off a very busy street and was in the shelter for roughly three weeks. We believe she's a red heeler mixed with pit. Probably just coming up on a year old. She gets startled very easy in the prescense of strangers/other dogs and doesn't bark, but shrieks loudly. She doesn't lunge, doesn't bite, just shrieks until we bring her far enough away from the person/dog. We've brought her to the vet twice since we've had her. First time she was the nicest girl and loved everyone. This past week, shrieked as soon as we brought her in the door. We got her into a room and she screamed every time the vet/tech tried to come in. Eventually the vet got her some Kong cheese in a can and she calmed down enough to scarf that down so her ears could be looked at. I'm lost on what to do for her. We try to have both of us on walks to make sure our apartment hallway is clear, but we live on the third floor with 11 other units. It's a little hard to always be the only one coming or going. She's already on Prozac & trazodone. I try to distract with treats that she loves but it doesn't always get her attention. We're hopefully moving into our own home this fall so she won't have to go through this much longer. But I don't want her fearing strange people and dogs forever. Tldr: Rescue shrieks at strangers when spooked, I'm not sure what to do for her.


Dog bug bites? (Story in comments)


I wish these idiots would stop going to the hospital for every minor boo-boo because they don’t trust modern medicine


Wager has apparently taken over Voronezh, I was speaking to a friend who lives there currently. Is there any more information out there?


How it's going in Moscow...


Extremely based


The Russian bots are sad today


Go there and find out
