Life imitates art: Frank Reynolds stuck in the playground

What about it?

Read also:

Cricket’s Rock Bottom: PTSDee II

What about it?

I mentioned this in the comment section of another post but I wanted to elaborate and see what other people think (note: I’m sure I’m not the first person who thought of this) I think a great arch for cricket would be for him and Dee to finally end up together, and for that to finally, absolutely be his rock bottom. Maybe Dee realizes he’s useful to her in some way, or inexplicably realizes she’s attracted to him and ends up getting together with him and planning a future together. Then Cricks realizes he has to turn his life around and not even he is that desperate and despicable to end up with a giant bird with no moral compass. How do you think this would play out? I also think it would be very funny to see the tables turned (like it did for awhile with Charlie and the Waitress) and Dee be enamored with Cricket.


Hey guys can I bring something up?


They had to specify because of people like Charlie Kelly...


Missing my favorite power couple today


Kurt Cobain while performing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' at the Reading Festival, 1991


Can we get a head count on how many dudes Dee has banged

What about it?

Gotta add these 3 for sure!


"This is what I'm talking about, illiteracy.. you know, what is that word even mean?" What's your favorite underrated quote?


Frank in oil, color on concrete


Google asking the right questions


What the hell is this episode 1 thumbnail? Dennis looks like a different person
