Blocking the sidewalk with your tricycle.

Read also:

Masterfoods(tm) trying to break my brain.


Soda can tab tore while opening

What about it?

I did get it open with my thumb, just mildly infuriating.


Cat had to get some teeth pulled and vet thinks they accidentally hurt his eye in the process. No clue what’s wrong or if it’ll fully heal

What about it?

(He’s a Devon Rex, other than his face this is how he always looks. This breed usually has patches of no fur) We took him in two days after because he wasn’t eating or drinking and his eye should have healed (they swabbed it to test for bacteria our other cat has). They didn’t see any scratches and sent us home with ointment for it in hopes it fixes it. We didn’t really want them to test him because our other cat had a checkup soon and he already is going through pain with missing teeth.


My empty Delta flight at 2:30am after they changed our gate 5 times in an hour, forcing passengers to walk between concourses in the Atlanta airport over and over again for no reason


So Unsanitary!

What about it?

Dog poop cans should come equipped with a peddle many kitchen trash cans do. This is just disgusting.


Apparently The Way I Bind My Keys (EACG)


Great sticker placement


When do you suppose the Wednesday of the month is?


I poured out some frozen broccoli and this is what I got. It's 90% stems


Crockpot lid shattered in the middle of cooking

What about it?

No glass fell into the food, or if it did my ruptured stomach lining will prove me wrong tomorrow
