Coach keeps telling one of pieces can create a subtle attack. I’m pretty new and have been staring at it for 15 min

Read also:

My first brilliant move, I was so happy when I found it


What is a draw “timeout vs insufficient material”?

What about it?

My opponent timed out. But I only had a king left on the board. So why is this a draw?


Why is this a blunder?


Why is the ai suggesting these moves? In the top pic I took a pawn and it calls this the best move even though it allows his knight to fork my king and rook. Wouldn't it be better to move my king to D1? Luckily he didn't fork and we traded knights instead.


I can't understand this for the life of me. I moved my bishop to protect my queen and then successfully took his rook. The AI says that instead of that, we both should have done the most bizarre series of moves. It expects him to give up his bishop for free and me to trade my queen for a rook. Wtf?


I get why it's a blunder... But the suggested move is no better?

What about it?

So I didn't spot this but luckily my opponent didn't either. But if I did the recommended move, can't he just sacrifice his bishop for my queen anyway?


Why doesn’t this work? (Chess Noob)

What about it?

if the King can’t move back or down because of the Queen, why doesn’t this move put the King in check?


Why is this mate in 47? How can white survive longer? White to move.


Redeeming winning move in 2


Win with the Danish Gambit 3+2
