Blizzard makes Official HC for the Classic Community. The Classic Community:

Read also:

Why didn't you heal me bro?!?


I got kicked out from HC Cuties bc i pranked one dude to drink Videre.. Am i really the bad guy here or this dude needed a lesson to dont trust anyone on the internet?


TOGC Raid Lockout Bug Addressed


Did anyone else get a post-Wrath survey?

What about it?

Did anyone else get this survey in their email? It had some pretty good questions, and definitely makes me question the design path for Classic overall. Not sure if it’s dependent on how I answered the first few questions, but there were a *lot* of follow-up questions about Classic+ and/or additions to the original game, as well as potential tweaks to future expansions (Cataclysm). But I don’t see any news about it, and nobody else I play with got one. Thoughts?


Tirisfal Glades [By Dreamwalker] - Inspired by the quest "Fields of Grief" here is the high-quality image so your computer screen can vibe in Forsaken! I hope you like it. ♥


In regards to the official HC server rule set


Why the hell is the Classic PTR almost 90 GB big? Is this a bug?


Bizarre Internet/Network issue

What about it?

I have been having a strange network issue for the past couple of months. My download speed is pretty normal, and hasn’t had any issues. However, my upload speeds are ABYSMAL. They fluctuate like crazy. In the span of a few minutes it’ll jump around wildly from anywhere between 0.1 and 10Mbps. (For reference. I’m paying for 50Mbps upload speed). It rapidly fluctuates up and down when I do speed tests. But it’ll settle into sub 1Mbps speeds for long periods of time. I’ve tried new cables. A new modem. A new router. I’ve reset every setting possible. My ISP only runs me through the typical “let’s try resetting your router” nonsense when I call them. And eventually they will just say they need to escalate and a higher level tech will call me back (they never do). I can’t game. I can’t stream. I can’t even upload documents or pictures to Google drive!!! It’s driving me bonkers. Any ideas what could be the problem? Could it potentially be damage to the line going to my house? A damaged splitter at the ISP box outside? Software problems? My ISP just scamming me? Haha. Any help would be appreciated.


Oh Linus, why did nobody tuck in your shirt label??


