Face of a girl happy to be on vacation ❤️❤️

Read also:

the face of someone who fell asleep this morning


It’s Always Sunny in Hyrule


Finally did it.


Link is spiderman


The best divine beast?!?


7 hour road trip today so finally starting the journey….. any tips?


I drew art of Link as well

What about it?

Ppl on here really liked my art of Mipha so I decided to draw Link as well except he doesn't have his the brown arm protector because I could draw it and it didnt look right lmao. Overall I like the Mipha one I bit more but I think I did a good job on Link as well. What do you guys think? (And I did sign it this time lol)


I just passed the 100 hour mark. What a journey! I started this game—my very first Zelda—exactly thirty days ago. It will always hold a special place in my heart.


GUYS. How many shrines in TOTK?


Finally got the Master Sword! Here’s my award speech

What about it?

Before I dive into my thank you’d, I want to give all of y’all here in this sub appreciation for answering all my noob questions. And also everyone from 5 years ago who had the same question I did. Searching your posts was helpful. Okay now onto my speech. First of all, I’d like to think my cat. Without him sitting on my lap, I wouldn’t have been able to play 25 hours of this game as comfortably. And my wife for pretending like she cares when she sits next to me during a gaming sesh. Next, I’d like to thank all of my supporters, friendly strangers who answered all my questions, and of course my critics. Without them, I wouldn’t have had the knowledge to do what I needed to do next, nor the motivation to do it. Finally, I’d like to thank all of the korok seeds and all of the Shrines for giving me the inventory space, and the spirit orbs I needed to get the master sword. It was hard (looking at you Chase Qeta shrine), long (looking at you crowned beast quest cause that buck was not fun to get to respawn), and fun (the elephant divine beast was a blast manipulating its trunk). Last, but not least, I’d like to not only thank, but call out my best horse Gumbo. I’m sorry buddy but it’s just so much more fluid to play the game running around and being able to insta interact, than to have to hop on and off of you every time I see something sparkle. But you’re a good boy. Here’s the celebratory photo of the master sword, unsheathed, in all its glory! I’m now off to Gorgon land wish me luck!
