Hey, bot! I've got something for you! Finally hit 100!

What about it?

I finally hit 100! I have to take a break for a while (twins on the way in September) but if we haven't popped yet I'll be back to buying! Fuck yeah, apes! I know this isn't shit to you, but it took me 2+ years and I didn't think I was going to make it when I got the news about the girls on the way. I'm ready for a whole bunch of life changes!

Read also:

The Campaign Continues... REMEMBER what you felt the day they committed the highest form of fraud in broad daylight. The day they turned off the buy button. Use that memory as a candle of unwavering will power/enthusiasm to light the path through darkness and turbulence. Resilience in adversity 🔥

What about it?

Patiently waddling like a duck to inevitable end.


GME Price History Update - 6/29/2023


"Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it"

What about it?

Supreme Court Issues Landmark Ruling On Affirmative Action At Universities https://www.dailywire.com/news/supreme-court-issues-landmark-ruling-on-affirmative-action-at-universities


Republicans defeat Democrat racism again and again.


Christians have a clear choice between the two.


Dear Amy




Challenging a senator with a 3-0 MMA record


Go Forth and Mine the Salt!


Socialist policies have consistently failed in every place that they've ever been tried.
