LinkedIn starter pack

Read also:

Most employers are, frankly, delusional. Median income for the area is 80k/year.


Good jobs do exist (keep your heads up)

What about it?

Good jobs (and bosses) do exist. I've had shitty bosses from hell, low play, yelled and cursed at, etc the works. My most recent job I actually liked and got along with my boss, great guy, but low pay. It wasn't until the threat of me leaving he gave me more money (~$8k/yr more). Knowing I like my boss and job for the most part, I stayed. But this new job offer lingered on me. In short they came up in money 2x and overall I am now making ~14k more a year. Attached is the pic from one of the owner's emails. I've now been here over a month and it's safe to say it wasn't fake to lure me in! Both pay and bosses are great! For those who've struggled like many of us have, don't let up on the search. I've been looking since last November, maybe applied to 50+ jobs or more, and finally found a great one for a decent small size company (thankfully no corporate bs either). GOOD LUCK OUT THERE, "YOU CAN DO IT!" -Rob Schneider


Got charged 9k for doctor to tell me it was just period cramps, and after going to another doctor it was a ruptured ovarian cyst


I feel bad for the workers who have to put up with this.

What about it?


They must be getting desperate.

What about it?


"if we say it enough times, that will make it true"

What about it?

I WFH as a scrum master with average sprint velocity of 36 points. Meanwhile, most of my team goes into the office and have average velocities of 8-15 (ignore this if you're not familiar with agile stuff).


I didn't want to click on this sponsored ad I saw the other day...

What about it?

"Real companies are posting fake jobs. Here's why - and how to spot them."


Must be able to work for free?

What about it?

I'm baffled why people have applied for this considering it says this in the opening paragraphs, what a red flag!!


Entry level job after law degree in the nl (currently working doing ice cream for minimum wage of 11.75€/h) can’t wait to get 12€/h


Finally, some good news
