Been running a DRG themed D&D campaign and having a blast!

What about it?

For the past few months I've been running a sci-fi D&D game. With the wrap-up of our 1st campaign in my homebrew universe I wanted to do something fun and lighthearted. Thus, campaign 2, the DRG-themed story arc was born. The players were hired by Phandelver Corp to perform mining operations on the planet of Striketov. A cracked planet with a rumored past. The players went on their first mining operation. Everything went well until when they call for their drillship, there was a small mishap. The drill went several hundred meters off course, and crashed near a precursor alien science lab. The players inevitably found the lab. New mysteries were unraveled and the players have been trying to uncover the truth of the Triskelions. All while working their 9-5. The story has progressed a bit and the players are seen here fighting off a pack of glyphids from a Phandelver Corp pump jack, while they search for an unknown metal the Triskelions were after. What's next for the crew? Are the Triskelions still alive? How will this discovery affect the fragile and recovering Edeon Empire?

Read also:

Day 5 of making meme

What about it?

Why do they travel in packs?


The lobby from above

What about it?

Anti-gravity and rocket boots can send you very high!


I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!


Low Oxygen


totally normal menu


Gunner zip line gun idea


buddy decided this was the best route


How often do you take deals in trade terminal?


Suggestion:maybe add an option to add damaged like effect to the dwarves clothing


Mushroom! Found this reference on a mod for eu4
