New rescue afraid of husband when standing

What about it?

Hi everyone! We adopted a rescue german shepherd 2 weeks ago, her name is Missy and she is 9 month old. She took to me really fast (2 days) but we knew she was more afraid of men. The ''issue'' we are having is that now she will go to my husband when he is on the floor (if I'm not too far) but when he is standing she will run to the opposite direction even if he is not interacting with her and just passing by her to go do something. He gives her plenty of cuddles and treats and has time alone with her, but as soon as she is off leash and he stands, she runs. What can we try to help their relationship? Thanks in advance for your responses!

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One dog dilemma

What about it?

I just moved out and my dog has always been with her Mom, a pug. After two years I have her trained to where I like. She comes when called, heels, and no accidents in the house. I'll take her with me to work and she will follow me through a job site while I do work. But I'm afraid to make her lonely when I can't bring her with me. Since the move she has been a lot more clingy, though her eating is back to normal so I don't think she is depressed. My dilemma is, should I get another dog(or cat) to keep her company when I go to work. I don't want to start the training process all over again with another dog whose temperament and personality might clash with my current dog. I also have a friend who has a small shepherd mix he is fostering asking me if I'll take her. My dog has had interactions with the foster and they get along, but the foster is skittish with me. It's been only a month and I am happy with our routine but I don't want my dog to be lonely


What did/would you do differently raising a dog the second time around?

What about it?

I got my first dog when I was 22, and lost her a few days after my 38th birthday this year. I’m not quite ready to get a new dog yet, but I know I will eventually. I’ve been thinking a lot about the things I would do differently this time. At 22 I wasn’t well versed on how to raise a healthy, well-rounded doggo. Don’t get me wrong, my girl was perfect to me, but I really could’ve done more to set her up for success. She was well behaved and I loved her more than anything on the planet but she was an anxious/attached dog. I should’ve socialized her more when she was small, gotten her used to some things that she ended up being terrified of (ex: nail clippings), gotten pet insurance before everything became a pre-existing condition, went to some form of training, etc. What did you consciously choose to do differently after your first dog? Or what will you do differently in the future? I really want to do better this time. Dogs deserve the best.


I call this one "The Ripper"


Black just made a huge mistake - can you see why?

What about it?

Interesting situation from one of my games


Proud to have found a (not so obvious) mate in 6 - can you see it?


Found myself in this position and accepted a draw. Was there any way out of it?


I wonder how many blunders happened for me to get a mate with 2 pawns…


Played this a long time ago. Looked back on it. I'm appalled


Tried to dodge the queen out of the way of the fork and defend the bishop.


is it only me or are they exactly the same bot?
