DM: "We have Monster Girls at Home", The Monster Girls at Home:

Read also:

Orders received. Moving toward the objective.


“Bro, some people don’t even think souls exist! … I mean those people are clearly wrong, because souls are identifiable with magic, and in fact, manipulatable, but…. Some people think that!”

What about it?

Seriously this is the same person. bro think what that means. As a fine bisexual, redditor told me the other day: Ancient wisdom says… any hole is a goal. But Even if you don’t like dick or pussy … Just think of a way you can use your succubi/incubi by two socially manipulate, everyone ! Want to get into a hot new club and unfortunately have a dick ? Your succubi goes into girl mode. You guys get in right away. Female, presenting people, ? Are you Being harassed at a bar by a male asshole ? Have your succubi go to boy mode. Conversely, if you’re feeling kinky, make out with your succubi and then go home with the cutest dude. … and let your succubi kill him. Because here’s the thing Cum is one thing, but sometimes they need life force. It’s a fact . Art credits:


me opening dndmemes for the first time since the blackout


Kobold for Your Thoughts

What about it?

Please add any modifications or tweaks you see fit!


Siren The Drowning system may as well be a telenovela with all the relationship drama you can squeeze in.


The only thing I really changed was replacing Jean with the Romanian equivalent.


He had a bad trip, in every sense of the word.


How often would this work?(sfw oflaf)


I sent this in our campaign server, let's see if my DM allows it xD


listen to your DMs gamers
