Switching genders is apparently “easy”…. Murdoch never fails to disappoint

What about it?

“Or is it simple, like changing genders?” What an analogy. No internet service earlier and had only the Herald Sun to read. Never fails to disappoint with ridiculous analogies.

Read also:

Is there any reason why they put this hole, other than to prevent me using it as a bin bag?

What about it?

Or upcycling I should say, given my postcode.


shout out to whoever is doing these, made my day


ADHD gp recommendations around the west

What about it?

Hi neighbours! The GP I was working with many years ago (2011) seems to be retired now, I checked google and called his centre but number is disconnected. Anyone know if he’s actually still working? Alternatively, any recommendations for a GP to treat ADHD or refer to psychiatrist for ADHD treatment? I’ve checked posts from 2yrs+ and tried googling those names but couldn’t get any info. If anyone has had any luck getting any treatment and the process, $, location and female friendly that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance



What about it?

Someone at Coles has lost their job. Jump on it $0.50 for an extra tub!


Least sus bus stop in Dandenong


Thanks to this Subreddit for valuable advice

What about it?

On the Melbourne sub a thread about why people with disabilities have a hard time going to the MCG came up. The thread was about parking but I shared why it was scary to take my son with autism there due to the noise and staring by people who aren’t across what ASD looks like. A redditor alerted me to this lanyard which helps people with hidden disabilities be recognised and get help at the G. It is the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme (link in first comment) and I want to thank the supportive community we are in r/melbourne who helped and listened. It’s really exhausting being a parent or carer of a loved family member with a disability. The NDIS often does not recognise the contribution parents and carers make - support for is very limited. It’s hard to be across everything when you’re just trying to get through day by day. **The kindness of strangers means a lot.** My husband is super excited by the lanyard as he feels a lot of social pressure when our son is having a meltdown in public and the lanyard provides him with a form of security, most importantly father and son can go watch a game at the MCG. Thank you internet strangers.


Museum Station (Melbourne Central) in 1985. You can see the shot tower in the distance.


Fire on the Westgate bridge 10 Jul 23


Damn idk about you guys but I think this person may be a farmer from the country


Uncharted for $25.49, is worth it?

What about it?

I played uncharted 1 to 3 on PS3, is this one worth it?
