Can a Knight be a sniper or do we need a cooler name for it?

Read also:

Why is the Knight taking the hanging pawn at e5 a mistake? Why is Ne7 the best move?


i thought i had a nice fork..... (the opponent proceeded to move thier king instead of taking with the rook)


Sooo I'm like 700 and decided to try the kings gambit on a 2000 bot for fun, but what now?


There's mate in 4 on the board after Nf1, didn't get to play it unfortunately!




Second ever brilliant

What about it?

Took me 7 moves to checkmate from here. Anyone find mate in fewer moves?


Help against Li!

What about it?

I managed to get this position against Li. Can anyone offer medium/long-term goals, key squares, moves to prevent, etc for this position? I tend to crumble in these end games.


Why is this a stalemate? Is the king not allowed to take the pawn?


hows that a good move?

What about it?

white moved knight to E6, and i capitilzed on white's mistake and moved bishop to B2, thus capturing a free pawn and attacking his rook. so now white has to choose either he loses a rook or a knight.


Can someone tell me why this is a brilliant move?

What about it?

I’m happy to get a brilliant move but not sure why though 🙂
