Moving to a new apartment with my dog on the upper level. She tries to eat the gravel and stuff my neighbors throw off the stairs and I worry about impaction. Is this ok? Has anyone else used one? (8 month old puppy)

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Can anyone tell me what this is and how to fix it?

What about it?

This started to show up a little over a week ago and it doesn't seem to both her or atleast she doesn't mess with it around me. Can I get rid of this? And what is it?


can I swap out my dog’s crate (only used at night) for a doggy bed in my closet?

What about it?

hi hi! My pup is a little over a year old. she sleeps in her crate every night and doesn’t mind it at all! however I just moved to a new place and my room is much smaller and the crate doesn’t really fit nicely anywhere. I have roommates so I want her to sleep inside my bedroom. I do however have a free closet - it is about as wide the crate, and a decent bit longer (obviously much taller) but an inch or two too small to actually put her crate inside. She is properly crate and house trained. She is only in her crate at night. My tentative plan is to add a baby gate to the doorway so I can have the closet door open but she’s still confined. Is there a downside to this? Will she become un-crate-trained after a while? Will having more space affect her negatively?


My dog got stung.

What about it?

His nose is a little swollen. I gave him Benadryl. Does that work for allergies in dogs? I’ve heard it doesn’t work, it just makes them sleepy. I’m worried because he had a bad allergic reaction when he was a puppy. I’ll take him to the emergency vet if it gets worse.


Feeling guilty working long hours after divorce. Should I keep the dogs? Details in comments. Thanks in advance for insight.


Spots on belly

What about it?

I just gave my dog a bath since he’s been shedding like crazy and I just noticed these spots on his chest near his front paws. What is this?? Should I take him to the vet?


Found this cutie? What's best to feed at this stage?


Is this the quick? Do I stop here?

What about it?

Can't find any pictures online to guide myself.


Pup has something on his sheath 😐😥 sorry I don’t know how to make this NSFW!

What about it?

This is gross so I’m sorry! But I just noticed this abscess looking sore on my dog’s penis sheath. He doesn’t seem bothered and I’m hoping it’s just a follicular cyst but I figured I’d take it to Reddit just to see ( especially since Google started having me think the worst!). Any thoughts? I will contact my vet of course… but they’re so busy and I know they’ll make me bring him in before giving me any information which could take months.


From a food enthusiast Facebook group... (Kai means Food)


Roman mould for loaves of bread. The object is made of bronze and dates back to the 1st century CE. The artifact was discovered in Pompeii and is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples. [1200x1600]
