“Trump is gonna start a war”

Read also:

Some interesting numbers for a country ripe with alleged systemic racism


Can't believe anyone would vote to pay the Government to allow us to live on property we own and yet people voted for democrats who love that tax revenue coming into DC . Democrats get rich off your tax money


So strategic oil reserves at the lowest level since 1983, Biden admitted we’re running out of ammo, and he just called up the inactive reserve (who completed their reserve contracts) for a NATO mission in Europe. What’s the opposite of leadership?


One constant in the top 10 most dangerous cities

What about it?

It's not (D)ifficult to guess what it is


The Secret Service closed the investigation on cocaine-gate. The world may never know.


Biden did this in his visit to Finland


Is not real!


Socialists are wondering the same thing.


Show me your Physical games collection

What about it?

I have more on digital, but this is my physical games collect. Let me see your collection!


How do I fix this?

What about it?

I have been playing skylanders spyros adventures for a few days now for good old times. And have had any problems with the portal. Until right now. When I put spyro, gill grunt, stump smash on it gives me that notification. When I try some of my others it gives me "player 1 pls place a skylander on the portal" so I take the one off and try again to no avail. I'm worried this means there time has come and the chip stopped working. Also hopping that's not the case. I've tried unplugging the portal and no avail still says gill grunt can't connect. How can I fix this? I'm on Xbox 360, and pls try to simplify the tech terms I'm not good with tech thanks a bunches.
