Why was this ‘brilliant’?

Read also:

Do you think my opponent was surprised?


Just hit 1000

What about it?

I just hit 1000 elo after a 95% acc game, I hadn't been so nervous in a while. I started playing chees in january with the goal of reaching 4 digits elo, so yeah... it took a while. What would be a realistic goal for the end of the year? Maybe 1200?


Look at that pawn stricter


On tonight’s episode of never resign..

What about it?

And bonus points if you noticed how much time I had left on the clock. Probably my best comeback ever.


Why are these moves different?

What about it?

Why is what I did in the picture below considered wrong, and the right move being to move the queen to the same position?


How do I defend against this attack by the queen?

What about it?

It’s happened a couple times and I usually end up losing several pieces before I can stop the attack. I tried going to g6 but they move to qe5 and have a field day with at least a rook and two pawns.


I got my first brilliant move I think I did pretty good


Mate in 4 I missed


Moment before disaster


Stupidest brilliant I've gotten.
