Gone in a Flash

Read also:

Reddit comments the morning it was announced Heath Ledger would portray the Joker in The Dark Knight


Well that lasted a while


Are you going on strike this year? Or help with a strike wave?

What about it?

Strikes are quintessentially Dutch and essential in everything we can be proud of now. Only when workers come together and make a fist can we win. Are you going on strike this year? Or help with a strike wave? https://ishistorie.nl/nieuws/de-nederlandse-stakingtraditie#:~:text=Staken%20met%20hand%20en%20tand,en%201830%20diverse%20stakingen%20plaats. The history of Dutch strikes begins in 1811. In that year, Napoleon's Code Pénal was introduced in the Netherlands, prohibiting strikes. On the basis of this ban, strikers could be punished by the government. Nevertheless, several strikes took place between 1820 and 1830. For example, construction workers stopped their work on the North Holland Canal in 1823. The workers hired for this felt that they were poorly paid by their contractor Gerrit Huysknens. They were therefore forced to supplement their rations by begging and poaching. Out of anger at the inadequate compensation that construction workers received for their labor, an angry crowd gathered at Huyskens' shack. While red flags were waved from the crowd, the angry workers threatened to force Huyskens out of hiding. Huyskens then shot and killed two men who tried to enter his shack. The dismay gave way to anger and Huyskens was killed by the mob. Such strikes with a lot of violence and a bad outcome were not uncommon at the time: authorities were instructed to act when the red flags were in sight.


Nighttime Hollyhocks


My back patio. Sunset.


Small and cozy bedroom


Yes, that's right lol how many people have been victimized before they put a sign like that? 😂


I'd rather not do it that way, thanks. 🤕


Please buzz off.


Hate it when that happens. 🐒
