I thought they hung a Knight. I took and should have lost but still won.

What about it?

The battlefield was looking VERY grim for my opponent as I had a +6 material advantage. It was a position that many would resign. The opponent had just played Rg8 setting up a fairly powerful battery on my g pawn. He had played the BEST move! I however was unaware that it was indeed a good move. The main thing that I saw was that he had just left his Knight undefended. I calculated Qxf4, Rxg2+, Rxg2, Rxg2+, Kxg2 and thought that I could effectively capture his Knight along with stopping the powerful attack on my g pawn and on my King. I played Qxf4... I was feeling good as I now had a +9 material advantage. What could go wrong? I was unaware that Qxf4 was a blunder... the worst kind of blunder... a blunder that allowed a FORCED checkmate on my King!!!!!!!!!!! My opponent was also unaware that Qxf4 was a blunder... They were feeling pretty bad as they had a -9 material advantage. They figured enough was enough and BEFORE looking for a decent move (which would have been a forced mate-in-two) they resigned. -9 material advantage... but my King was going down... --- MORAL OF THE STORY----- never give up... NEVER surrender... you may have already won! But instead handed over everything to your LOST opponent.

Read also:

Find the best move for white. Brilliant rating on chess.com


Mate in 10

What about it?

I had mate in 10 from here but took a draw because I couldn’t see it :/


I played a brilliant move today. Happy International Chess Day everyone!


First brilliant!

What about it?

Felt so sick playing this had a 82% accuracy on the game. I’m 850 elo


Got my first brilliant move today!


I am so close to achieving greatness (nice)


I’m actually shaking


What would you do in this position? White to move. White cannot castle.

What about it?

This came up in a real game I played.


Promoting pawn to rook better than Queen

What about it?

You see the score for promoting to to is better than when, how is this possible??


Is this normal?

What about it?

I am sure there was quicker way to mate but I was trying to make Queens
