Black to play and win material

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I missed this best move. Can someone explain tactically why it's best to trade a bishop and Knight here for rook and pawn on f2 when in the Italian game: 2 knights defense, black is winning by a lot if white does the exact same thing on f7?

image gave me a brilliant for playing the fried liver. This move is basically a book move. How does that make sense?


Their ratings so much higher but this so early

What about it?

What rating does these kind of moves stop at?


I hate this game

What about it?

Had mate but game said i lost on time fuck this game


Is it just me or have they been giving out brilliants willy-nilly?

What about it?

I win a pawn on this trade


I don't know if I'm stupid or if the AI is drunk

What about it?

Taking my free rook overlooked an opportunity to win my free rook.


Never thought I'd live to see the day where I'd win with 00.1 left on the clock.


White to play and win. Calculate all variation. (Leopald Mitrofanov, Etut Final)


Why is it telling me the queen trade (Qxf7) is the right move? Shouldn't it be Rxf7?


What is the best way to counter this opening?
